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Marketing Automation Scenarios

Multi-channel communication with customers builds their loyalty. Marketing Automation scenarios will help you sell more.

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What are Marketing Automation Scenarios?

Marketing automation scenarios are sets of automated marketing activities programmed to respond to specific customer behaviors.

They are based on rules and conditions defined by marketers to deliver personalized content at the most optimal time.

The primary goal of Marketing Automation scenarios is to construct a consistent and effective communication path with customers at various stages of their purchasing journey.

How to use Marketing Automation scenarios?

Multi-channel communication

Reach the customer through the channel in which he is most active. It can be e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications. Combined with the personalization of the message, you can be sure that the recipient will definitely receive your offer.

Abandoned carts

Send automated emails or SMS/Whatsapp messages to customers who have added products to their cart but have not made a purchase. Enable special offers, abandoned cart reminders or return incentives.

Lead nurturing

Automation allows you to deliver personalized content tailored to the stage at which a potential customer is.
Provide information, case studies, and educational materials to convince the lead to take the next steps.

Special offers

Send automatic messages on special days (e.g. Black Friday), birthdays, holidays. Unique offers and discounts increase loyalty and motivate the customer to make a purchase.

News notifications

Run a scenario that automatically informs customers about new products similar to their previous purchasing preferences. This will maintain interest in the brand and increase the chances of sales.

Reactions to customer activities

Deliver personalized content depending on user behavior on your website. Recommend products to your customers that they are really interested in.

After-sales care

Send automatic confirmation emails after purchase, then deliver content related to purchased products, usage tips, and promotional offers for future purchases.

Product recommendation

Automation of sending product recommendations based on previous purchases or browsed categories. This increases the chances of customer interest and additional purchases.

Automatic responders

Automatically responding to customer responses to marketing emails, e.g. providing additional information, offers or survey invitations.

Customized campaigns

Use advanced customer segmentation and deliver personalized marketing campaigns based on their behavior, preferences and purchase history.

How do Marketing Automation scenarios work in iPresso?

Creator of iPresso Studio

Creating a Marketing Automation scenario step by step - you can set everything up quickly in the iPresso wizard. The intuitive Drag&Drop editor will help you design any scenario.

Database segmentation

Precise segmentation of the database based on various criteria such as demographics, purchasing behavior, history of interactions with the brand, etc.

Action blocks

Plan multi-channel communication with the client: e-mail, SMS, voice message, Web / Mobile Push, WhatsApp.

Predefined scenario templates

You can create predefined scenario templates. Thanks to this, you do not have to create a scenario from scratch each time (or by copying/editing), which can take a lot of time in the case of extensive diagrams.

Notes in the script

Add additional information to the scenario. They will be visible in its preview and editing - this is especially helpful when modifying the script after a long time, when you no longer remember the details.

Funnel report

Analyze the number of contacts that passed through the subsequent phases of the scenario (beginning, during, end) and save the results as a transparent report - a funnel.

In which industries will Marketing Automation scenarios work?


Automation of promotional campaigns, abandoned carts, product recommendations and lead nurturing. This will definitely increase conversions in online stores.


Personalized communication campaigns, transaction notifications, transactional emails. Marketing automation scenarios will help build trust and increase customer engagement.


Information about new courses, sending educational materials, maintaining contact with training participants, after-sales service.


Personalized travel offers, campaigns related to seasonal promotions, automatic notifications about ticket availability or last-minute offers.

Medical care

Reminders about doctor's visits, information about new medical services, educating patients about preventive health care.


Personalized subscription offers, cross-selling, information about new media content.

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